May 12, 2016

Burn 100 Calories in 10 Minutes. These 5 Exercises Burn More Fat Than Running

Everyone wants to be in shape. However, not many are fond of running or jogging in the park every day. It is a common myth that running burns the maximum amount of calories. Well it does burn a lot of calories, but not the ‘most’. Interval training burns the maximum number of calories, says Ashish Gupta, Director and fitness expert at Gold’s Gym, Gurgaon.

Ashish shares 5 exercises that burn more fat than running.

The following exercises ensure that you get a full-body workout each time you put on your gym shoes.

All these exercises help you burn up to 100 calories in 10 minutes with a break of 30 seconds after a set of 45 seconds. You need to burn 7700 kcal to lose a kilo.

Therefore, gear up and get set go!



If there is one body weight exercise that can kick your ass, it has to be Burpees. Burpees are also known for improving metabolism. This exercise is good for people who do not want to strain their knees, which is a major con of running. Hence, it tops the chart, says Ashishh Gupta.
Image: Powder Room



Running is compromised with, in extreme weather conditions; while skipping a rope can be done anytime of the day, leading to a loss of 100 calories on 10 minutes.
Image: Powder Room



Designed especially for military personnel, it has lately become a rage! This exercise not only strengthens your core, but also back, biceps, and triceps at the same time. It is not as easy as it looks, but when did we say, losing weight is as easy as eating a chocolate?
Image: Pinterest



If you don’t have a stepper at home. Never Mind! The purpose of a stepper is just to give you elevation so as to allow your knees to be cushioned when you jump. If you have, stairs use the ground steps and a step above to create your stepper. Then non stop climb up and down just like you do with a stepper. You will be surprised, how soon you will be breathless!
Image: pinterest



Hold a dumbbell (depending on how much weight you can handle) and do a set of up and down , while holding your arms straight , parallel to your chest. You can add variations like twisting or side twisting to make it hard and sweatier!
Image: pinterest